Fees and Financial Aids


Diploma of Vocational Education* (Secondary 6)

The tuition fee for the 2023/24 academic year is $20,500 payable in two installments.

Diploma of Vocational Education* (Secondary 3) & Diploma of Vocational Baccalaureate#

Secondary 3 and Secondary 4 graduates will normally be exempted from tuition fee payment for 3 years and 2 years of study respectively.


Financial Aids

Students with financial needs can also apply for the following assistance schemes:

Extended Non-means Tested Loan Scheme (ENLS)

For enquiries, please contact the Student Finance Office (SFO) at 2150 6223.

VTC Fee Remission Scheme

VTC will grant tuition fee remission to needy students.  For enquiries, please contact the Student Development Office / College Secretariat of each campus.

Scholarships and award schemes are also offered by VTC and the Youth College to recognise students’outstanding performances.


*Formerly named "Diploma in Vocational Education"

#Additional fees including BTEC registration fee may apply.